One way of using JavaScript is to use a set of techniques that focuses organization around the use of objects called object-oriented programming. This approach is older than JavaScript itself. In fact, JavaScript's design as a language was shaped by object-oriented programming. Today I will break down some of the ways it is applied in JavaScript.
At its core, object-oriented programming divides programs into smaller programs (modeled with objects), each with their own localized state and logic. This keeps each piece of your program independent of each other's changes in state or logic. These pieces communicate through interfaces, logic that abstracts their functionality. Interfaces consist of public methods and properties. Contrary to public properties, private properties do not interact with anything outside it's piece.
It should be noted that JavaScript does not distinguish between the former and the latter. However, it has become customary to use underscores (_) at the beginning of property names to indicate that the property is private.
Methods are properties whose values are functions. Calling a method's property uses this to indicate a binding to its parent object.
Most JavaScript objects have built-in prototypes, objects used as a fallback source of properties. You can call the prototype of an object with
Methods To Remember
Object.toString returns a string representation of the object.Object.create creates an object with a specified prototype.
Classes are a widely used take on prototypes. Classes define methods and properties for a type of object known as an instance of a class. Classes contain constructor functions, which ensures your instances share the parent class's properties. ReactJS classes explicitly call constructors for defining properties such as
Outside of React, you can use
TL:DR; Classes are constructors with a built-in prototype, and are written in a much simpler way now.
I haven't even scratched the surface of OOP. Stay tuned for part II!